engineerig studies to improve the performance of locally made poultry feathers pluckes.

Abstract: Processing is the final step in the production of broiler chickens, and the quality of the final product is dependent on proper processing. The current three local made feathers plucking machines was tested and assisted to improve the performance the most promising of these machine, and to determine the optimum operational conditions, which minimize bruising for poultry and minimize remaining pinfeathers and hair on the carcass.
The effect of machine parameters (five peripheral speeds for plucking cylinder in the range of 4.6 to 7.2 m/s (350 - 550 rpm), three degrees of rubber finger stiffness (0.15, 0.22, and 0.43 N/mm) and two distribution systems of rubber fingers – straight line, and stagger), on the carcass mechanical damage (carcass flesh bruises and discolorations, remaining pinfeathers and hair), and energy requirements (kWh/bird) were considered.
The results showed that, the best ever results were obtained after modification the horizontal drum type machine, at plucking cylinder speed of (5.9 m/s), minimum degree of rubber finger stiffness (0.15 N/mm) and stagger distribution system of rubber fingers on the cylinder surface.
At these levels a high-quality birds were obtained through. Where, the mechanical damage of exposed flesh decreased with about 28.7 and 23.07, and the mechanical damage discoloration decreased with about 3.49 and 37.29 % for breast and legs and carcass elsewhere, respectively. Moreover, the remaining pinfeathers and hair decreased with about 18.74 %, than that before modification. While the lower energy requirements was 0.016 kW.h/bird.
Publication year 2003
Pages 666-684
Availability location (معهد بحوث الهندسة الزراعية)
Availability number
Organization Name
serial title مؤتمر الحادي عشر الجمعيه المصريه للهندسه الزراعية
Department Animal production Mechanization
Author(s) from ARC
Agris Categories Agricultural engineering
Proposed Agrovoc POULTRY FEATHERS ;
Publication Type Conference/Workshop