Developing the manual cocoon reeling machine and raw silk production to be suitable for small projects .

Abstract: Manual cocoon reeling machines are used for reeling mulberry silkworm cocoon to produce raw matural silk filaments The production of silk worm is low quality used only in carpets manufacture not for clothes .

The objectives of this research were putting away the proposed design to make a simple design , less cost , from local crudes with increasing the production quantity and quality and producing fine filaments for clothes. The new design is considered as an assembly of two machines ( reeling and re-reeling machine ) exploiting one motor to save time, energy and costs, saving new and untraditional chances of labour for small farmers and youth.

The machine has been added with electric motor (220v. ) 0.5 hp., 1450 Rpm. With speed reducer 1/25 using a pulley with 3 runways by 3 measurements to give 3 Speeds ( 80 , 90 , 120 rpm ).
The experimental results reveal that the speed of 80 rpm is suitable for training , 90 rpm for the primal workers high Speed of 120 rpm . for qualified ones . The production rate increase with high reeling speed up to 120 rpm with all deniers . The productivity decreases with the increase of reeling speed more than 120 rpm . due to the replication of filament . cutting resulting in high by products .

The new design a advantages : it can work as two machines (reeling and re-reeling machines), requires less cost, labor and time. More over it can produce the fine filaments even about deniers about 3 – 5 cocoons to be used in clothes , while the manual machine produces only heavy filaments 60–90 denier, (about 20 –30 cocoons ).
Publication year 2003
Pages 144-164
Availability location (معهد بحوث الهندسة الزراعية)
Availability number
Organization Name
serial title المجله المصريه للهندسه الزراعية
Department Animal production Mechanization
Author(s) from ARC
External authors (outside ARC)
    عبد الحميد على إبراهيم زنون • رئيس بحوث بمعهد وقاية النباتات
Agris Categories Agricultural engineering
Proposed Agrovoc reeling machine ;raw silk;
Publication Type Journal