Improving performance of manual honey - extractor to suit Egyptian conditions

Abstract: In Egypt , manual honey extractors are used for honey from bee wax comb in the removable frames . The low speed (123rpm) was not enough to extract all the honey in bee wax comb eyes . This was big economic loss and damage of bee wax comb during the extraction due to oscillation and sudden speed and costs of honey .The productivity decreased with exposure of workers to hazards of reversion of the driving handle into worker face . Pollution of the produce took place from friction between gears to the collection barrel
The objectives of this research were improving the performance of the manual honey extractor by (1) : increasing the extraction speeds , (2) the extractor has been supplied with an electric motor 0.5 hp (about 0.4 kW) . 1450 rpm , with speed reducer 1/5 using gradual speeds 300,350,400, and 420 rpm , (3) modification of the manual driving hand by adding a one way drive to fulfill vocational safety and integrity for extraction workers .
The experimental results reveal that the speed of 350 rpm is suitable for extraction in weak and new bee wax com , while the speed of 400 suited the old bee wax combs , which are thick and durable
Modification has the following advantages : less cost , labor and time , less damage of bee wax comb, and less pollution of the produce . Besides, the productivity increased from 6.5 kg. / h. before development to 156 and 213.7 kg. / h. at speed of 350 and 400 rpm after development respectively.
Publication year 2003
Pages 418-433
Availability location (معهد بحوث الهندسة الزراعية)
Availability number
Organization Name
serial title المؤتمر الحادي عشر للجمعيه المصريه للهندسة الزراعية
Department Animal production Mechanization
Author(s) from ARC
External authors (outside ARC)
    أحمد محمود خطابي رئيس قسم بحوث النحل بمعهد وقاية النباتات
Agris Categories Agricultural engineering
Honey. Mechanization.
Proposed Agrovoc honey - extractor ;
Publication Type Conference/Workshop