Use of foam media for filtering heavy sediments water

Abstract: The experimental work was carried out at Ismalia wastewater treatment plant in “Serapeum”. For the last 35 years in the field of wastewater filtration, many new models of filters were used. Some types use upward flow filters such as filters with floating granular media from expended polystyrene. They have many advantages over other types that have high holding capacity. The applied filters contain floating media for physically and biologically treating municipal wastewater of Ismalia City for reuse in agriculture.
The experiment was set for the comparison between the granular and crushed foam with effective diameter 1.6 – 2 mm and2 – 3 mm respectively. The data showed that the granular foam media was more efficient in the removal efficiency such as TSS mg/L, VSS mg/L, BOD5 mg/L, F. coliform N/100 ml and chlor (A) with increasing by percentages of 16.2, 20.8,2.7, 18.5, and 6.1 respectively than those of the crushed one, with a at head losses of 0.3 bar. The all hydraulic parameters (flow rate reduction percentage, time consumed for filtering cubic meter, mean flow rate and filtration cycle time related to removal efficiency) were in general better in granular media under different inlet pressures (2.0 bar and 1.0 bar) and those under 2.0 bar inlet operating pressure were better than those under 1.0 bar. The filtration cost of granular media was 0.0024LE under inlet operating pressure of 2.0 bar.
Publication year 2003
Availability location مكتبة كلية الزراعة جامعة الازهر
Availability number
Organization Name
City القاهرة
serial title المؤتمر السنوي الحادي عشر للجمعية المصرية للهندسة الزراعية
Department On farm irrigation and drainage
Author(s) from ARC
Agris Categories Agricultural engineering
Proposed Agrovoc foam media;sediments;
Publication Type Conference/Workshop