Physical Properties for Some Egyptian Varieties of Olive Fruits and Their Relation to Olive Conveying Auger Design

Abstract: properties for five different varieties of olive fruits that represents the two main classes of olive oil production, namely: (Shimlaly and Cronaki, as oil production varieties), and (Watiken, Picual, and Manzanillo, as double purpose varieties) and their relation to olive conveying auger design.
Physical properties for the investigated varieties of olive fruits were measured or calculated in terms of dimensional characteristics (length, diameter, and flesh thickness), mass, volume, bulk density and real densities, porosity, sphericity, number of fruits per kilogram, percentage of flesh/fruit, and flesh/pit ratio.
Statistical analyses were carried out to express the significant variation among varieties and the deviation of the measured values around its average. The results showed that there are highly significant different among the investigated varieties. Therefore, the mean values of physical properties for the investigated fruits and their pits were ranged from (11.85 to 31.53 mm), (7.49 to 24.01 mm), (1.18 to 7.20 mm) for length, diameter, flesh thickness, respectively. As well, the properties for fruit mass, bulk density, real densities, porosity, sphericity, number of fruits per kilogram were ranged from ( 0.46 to 9.00 g), (627.91 to 713.58 kg/m3), ( 1118.92 to 1201.44 kg/m3), (40.6 to 43.88 %), ( 0.999 to 1.93 ), (165.32 to 833.33 fruit / kg).
In addition, the values of mass percentage of flesh/fruit, flesh/pit ratio, pit length, pit diameter, and pit weight were ranged from (19.36 to 93.00 %), (0.24 to 13.29), (11.36 to 21.68 mm), (5.52 to 16.24 mm) and (0.20 to 2.14 g), respectively.
A set of empirical equations have been proposed with reasonable accuracy to predict the actual volume from the measurements of the three main dimensions of the investigated varieties of olive fruits. A conveyor auger was designed and tested based on the obtained results.
Publication year 2005
Organization Name
Department Biological engineering
Author(s) from ARC
External authors (outside ARC)
    أحمد محمود معتوق
    على السيد أبو المجد
Publication Type Journal