Determination of Physical Properties for Some Cereal Crop

Abstract: measured, evaluated and calculated as a function of grain moisture content. The studied properties included length, width, thickness, mass of 1000 grain, coefficient of contact surface, shape index-k and grain projection area. The measured and calculated data of the studied properties showed a variation between the four studied crops and also between the varieties of each crop.
The studied properties were also related to the change in grain moisture contents at a range of (10 – 26%) through a group of empirical equations represent various varieties of each crop. The reflected changes in coefficient of contact surfaces, shape index-k and projection area for the studied varieties of each crop were also determined.

Publication year 2004
Organization Name
Department Biological engineering
Author(s) from ARC
External authors (outside ARC)
    شريف عبد الحق رضوان
    احمد محمود عبده معتوق
Proposed Agrovoc االخصائص الطبيعية لبعض محاصيل ;
Publication Type Journal