Design an Instrumentation system for determing power and dynamic load tractor rear wheel

Abstract: A data acquisition system for measuring the tractor performance parameters was designed and calibrated for use in lab test and field research on non- extended rear axle tractor. The system measures static and dynamic rear axle force, power and speed. Therefore by monitoring the torque and rpm of the rear axle, the axle power can be obtained directly through the (Daytronic). The advantages of this system are inexpensive, flexible in application and easy to be fit from tractor to another. Also, it is easy to handle from place to another.
Making a field performance data of tractors and implements under different operating conditions is highly required to select the proper sizes of tractor and implement for particular requirements. Recently, tractors and implements performance can be evaluated at Testing Research Station for Tractors and Agricultural machinery, Alex., Egypt. The method of evaluation is to use a dynamometer hitched between two tractors chained to each other. The front tractor is used to drag the rear one and the tested implement mounted on the hitches of the rear one.

This method of implement testing has some disadvantages:-
1- The dynamic weight can't be measured.
2- The use of two tractors instead of one tractor.
3- Rolling resistance exerted from the use of the auxialry tractor.
To avoid these disadvantages, the main objectives of this work was to design and calibrate an inexpensive instrumentation system can be easy to fitted on a tractor to measure static and dynamic weights and rear axle power.
Publication year 2001
Pages صفحات 527-536
Availability location مكتبة كلية الزراعة جامعة الازهر
Availability number
Organization Name
Country Egypt
City القاهرة
Publisher Name: الجمعية المصرية للهندسة الزراعية
serial title المجلة المصرية للهندسة الزراعية
Volume 18 . (3)
Department Agriculture Power and Energy
Author(s) from ARC
External authors (outside ARC)
    احمد على إبراهيم
    السعيد رمضان العشري
    خفاف أبو العلاعبدالعزيز خضر
Agris Categories Agricultural engineering
Loaders. Tractors.
Publication Type Journal