Effect of nigella sativa cake supplementation on clinical picture, rumen liquor rparameters, blood biochemical constituents and haematological findings in goats

Abstract: SUMMARY

Twelvc females baladi goats were used in this study which carried out for five months at the Department of Internal Medicine and Infectious Diseases. Faculty of Vcl. Med.. Cairo Universi¬ty. Giza. The immature females weighed 8 - 12 kg were randomly alloted into two groups, the control group (N = 4) fed on 750 g maintenance ration/head/daily, and the tested group (N=8) given the same basal ration supplemented with 100 g/animal of Nigella saliva cake (NSC). Careful clinical examination of goats throughout The experiment revealed that The Tested group was improved in general health and body weight in comparison To The control group. The final body weight and body weight gain were signifi¬cantly higher (I* < 0.01) in does with NSC group than the control group. Analysis of rumen liquor revealed that the total'volatile tally acids

(TVFAs) was significantly increased (P < 0.05) in NSC group than control, while the values of pH and ammonia were not changed. Supplemen¬tation with Nigella saliva cake (NSC) increase significantly the molar proportion of propionate (P < 0.01). decrease significantly the molar pro¬portion of acetate (P < 0.01) and not affect the molar proportion of butyrale and isovalerate. The plasma protinogram profile showed noil significant decrease in total proteins and albu¬min while the globulin was non significantly increased in NSC group versus the control. The plasma lipogiam profile revealed significant decrease in cholesterol (P < 0.01 ) and insignifi¬cant decrease of total lipids and triglycerides in NSC group. The erythron showed signifi¬cant increase of haemoglobin (P < 0.01). Haematocrite (P < 0.05) and RBCs count (P < 0.05) in the tested group (NSC) in comparison to the control. The leueon revealed significant

Publication year 2002
Pages 261-271
Availability location مكتبة معهد بحوث التناسليات الحيوانية
Availability number
Organization Name
Author(s) from ARC
External authors (outside ARC)
    ابراهيم عبد الستار صالح جامعة القاهرة- كلية الطب البيطرى-قسم الامراض الباطنة و المعدية
    جمال رخــا جامعة القاهرة- كلية الطب البيطرى-قسم الامراض الباطنة و المعدية
Agris Categories Veterinary science and hygiene - General aspects
Proposed Agrovoc haematological findings in goa;
Publication Type Researsh & Applied Activities