Effect of Antioxidants Supplementation on Buffalo-Cows Fertility

Abstract: SUMMARY:
Two experiments were conducted in two different herds. In the first experiment (during winter), twenty three pregnant pluriparious buffalo-cows were divided into two groups. Vi¬tamin E, 1000 IU plus selenium, 2.866 mg were daily supplemented in the concentrate diet of each animal (head/day) of one group (E & Se group, n=13). Animals in the other group (n=10) were unsupplemented and left as control. Both groups were fed in the same diet where the Se was in the marginal status. After parturition, it was found that, dietary supple¬mentation of vit E and Se led to a significant reduction in the incidence of retained fetal membranes (RFM) compared with control (0% Vs 20%). In addition to significant improve¬ments of the time intervals to: 1st estrus (40.77 days), 1st service (54.6ldays) and concep¬tion (days open, 75.92 days) as well as the conseption rate (CR) at 1st service (46.15%) compared with 62.60, 79.60 and 115 days as well as 20% , resiectively in the control group. Buffalo-cows fed diet containing vit E and selenium showed a significant increase in daily milk yield during early lactation, than control group. In the second experiment, and during their dry period (last month of pregnancy), twenty buffalo-cows were randomly allo¬cated during hot season into two groups. The first group (Cu & Zn group, n=10) was fed on the concentrate diet supplemented with about 0.335 g of Cu and 0.8 g of zinc/head/ day, while, the second group (control, n=10) was fed the concentrate mixture without supplemen¬tation. Both groups were fed in the same diet where both Zn and Cu in the marginal status as well as Mo is high. It was found that dietary adminstration of the antioxidant tended to de¬crease the incident of RFM ( from 20% in the control grr up to 0% in the treated group). Moreover, using of the antioxidant significantly improved tk~ intervals (day) to first estrus (69.8 days), to first service (90.7 days), as well as io conception (days open=lQ7>2 days) when compared to the unsupplemented group (93.8, 116.0, \ 5AA days, respectively). Num¬ber of sreviccs per conceptionwas significantly lower in treated group(1.6) than the control one (2.6). Meanwhile, the CR at first estrus tended to be significantly higher (40.0%) in Cu & Zn group than control (10.0%). It was found that Cu and Zn supplementation led to sig-_:r:—,i„ hiahrr milk vicld during the the 1st 14 weeks of lactation.
Publication year 2001
Pages 223-239
Availability location معهد بحوث الناسليات الحيوانية
Availability number
Organization Name
Author(s) from ARC
Agris Categories Animal physiology - Reproduction
Publication Type Researsh & Applied Activities