Some Clinco-Pathological Studies on Buffalo Cows Affected With Retained Fetal Membranes

Abstract: SUMMARY:
The present study was carried out on 58 parturient buffalo cows to investigate the chang¬es in hemogram parameters and serum biochemical constituents associated with retained fe¬tal membranes. The examined animals were classified into two main groups according to post-calving status: -
Group I (Control group): included 25 buffalo cows that had normal calving and normal dropped placenta.
Group II: consisted of 33 buffalo cows that suffered from retained placenta more than 12 hours post calving.
Blood and serum samples were collected from all examined animals for hematological and some biochemical studies. Results of the erylhrogram parameters indicated that buffalo cows with retained fetal membranes had a non-significant decrease in hemoglobin contents and packed cell volume % with a high significant decrease in red blood cells count. The leukogram parameters showed significant leukopenia, neutropenia, lymhopenia associated with monocytosis.
In group II, the results of the biochemical constituents showed significant hypoglyce¬mia, hypoproteinaemia, hypoglobulinaemia, hypocalcaemia and hypophosphataemia with non-significant elevation in alkaline phosphatase and total cholesterol levels. Selenium level was also decreased in retained fetal membranes group. The hormonal assay of the affected group showed a significant elevation of Cortisol hormone while insulin hormone showed a significant decrease below the control values.
In conclusion, retained fetal membranes is an important reproductive syndrome of buffa¬lo cows in Egypt and it has an adverse effect on some hematological and biochemical pa¬rameters.
Publication year 2002
Pages 73-84
Availability location معهد بحوث التناسليات الحيوانية بالهرم
Availability number
Organization Name
Author(s) from ARC
Agris Categories Animal physiology - Reproduction
Publication Type Researsh & Applied Activities