Histopathology and Immunofluorescent of Vaginas, Uteri and Lungs of Mycoplasma Infected Sheep

Abstract: SUMMARY: The genital tracts of 80 ewes and the lungs of 15 of them were collected from apparently normal sheep slaughtered al abattoirs as well as 5 pneumonic lungs from a fattening sheep herd that suffered from fatal pneumonia. Representative tissue specimens from each organ were taken for mycoplasma isolation, histopathological examination and for immunofluo-resccnt technique.
The recovery rate of Mycoplasma species was (21.25% and 11.25%) from vaginas and uteri, respectively, and the identified species were M. mycoides subsp. mycoides (M. mm) LC, M. agalactiae and M. arginini. However, the recorded rate was (100% and 46.67%) from lungs of pneumonic herd and those collected from abattoirs, respectively, and the identified species were M. mm LC, M. arginini, M. ovipneumoniae and M. agalactiae. There was a perfect correlation between the isolation of Mycoplasma species by convention¬al cultural method and detection of the same antigen by the fluorescent antibody technique (FAT) in frozen sections of vaginas, uteri and lungs. Moreover, FAT could detect mycoplas¬ma antigens in the frozen sections of specimens that yielded insufficient colony forming units (CFU) that couldn't identified by growth inhibition (GI) test.
Gross examination of mucosal surfaces of positive vaginas and uteri showed multiple red patches with mucopurulent exudate in two of them. The pneumonic lungs of the fatten¬ing herd appeared dull, doughy, and on cut sections, a thick yellow-whitish creamy secretion came out.
Microscopically, the vaginal tissues showed moderate to marked lymphocytic and few
neutrophilic exocytosis with mild lymphocytic infiltration in lamina propria and submucosa.
The histopathological examination of uterine tissue revealed inconsistent denudation of sur-
face epithelium with neutrophils and desquamated cells within lumens of some endometrial
glands. The lungs showed a picture of necrotizing suppurative pneumonia. Examination of
tissue sections by FAT revealed large numbers of clear, intense yellow-green fluorescence
and the organism appeared as individuals or small clumps in vagina, endometrium and lung.
Publication year 2005
Pages 21-227
Availability location معهد بحوث التناسليات الحيوانية- 5 شارع حدائق الأهرام - الهرم - الجيزة
Availability number
Organization Name
Author(s) from ARC
Agris Categories Veterinary science and hygiene - General aspects
Histopathology. Mycoplasma. Sheep.
Publication Type Researsh & Applied Activities