Application of Bulk Tank Analysis in Egyptian Dairy Farms

Abstract: SUMMARY

Bulk tank analysis (BTA) is a useful tool for mastitis control program that help not only detection of mastitis pathogens in dairy herds but also can be used in improving the standard hygiene in dairy farms and udder health that reflected on the increase in milk production and its quality. A number of 278 bulk tank milk samples were collected ascptically from 31 farms along 2 years, for bacteriological examination and SCC.
The incidence of contagious mastitis pathogens was 1.1 % for Str. agalactiae, 64.4% for .V. aureus, and 2.2% for Mycoplasma. While 18.7% of samples had mixed infection with Str. agalactiae and S. aureus. The incidence of environmental mastitis pathogens was 3.2% lor environmental streptococci, 9.4% for CNS and 15.1% for coliform while mixed infec¬tion with all environmental mastitis pathogens was observed in 57.9 % of the total samples. The higher TBC was associated with 5. aureus, Str. agalactiae and coliform. Str. agalac¬tiae and environmental streptococci shouted the SCC to the highest levels. Both TBC and SCC were recorded in their highest levels when both contagious and environmental mastitis pathogens were isolated. Follow-up and following the instruction according to BTA results led to readjustment of BTA parameters. Environmental bacteria returned to be tracing with¬in normal, both S. aureus and Str. agalactiae continued decreasing. As a result, the SCC re¬turned to normal and average milk production increased from 23.6 Kg / day at the start of Ihc study to 26.7 Kg / day at the end of the study.
The obtained results proved that it is extremely useful to refine mastitis control efforts in Egyptian dairy industry and enhancing the awareness between dairy workers, managers and farmers with the importance of mastitis control programs for improving the milk production and quality.

Publication year 2005
Pages 237-247
Availability location معهد بحوث التناسليات الحيوانية-5 شارع حدائق الأهرام - الهرم - الجيزة
Availability number
Organization Name
Author(s) from ARC
Agris Categories Animal diseases
Publication Type Researsh & Applied Activities