Milk Constituents in Different Dairy Cow Breeds under Egyptian Condition of Rising

Abstract: SUMMARY:
The study was intended to compare between different breeds of dairy cows (Gclb-Vcih, Red Angular, Brown-Swiss, Rot Bunt, Frisian, Simmcnlal and Native X Red Angular, Na¬tive X Brown-Swiss and Native X Rot Bunt) that were found in many farms allovcr Egypt when reared at the same farm. Their normal milk quantity and quality aspects as the fat per¬cent, protein, lactose and total solids contents in addition to somatic cell count were assessed at different lactation seasons and intervals of milking. The milk fat % and total solids % were the most variable constituents of milk in relation to breed. The highest fat % was esti¬mated in Red Anglar and Simmcntal. Lactose %, protein % and SCC in milk of the different dairy cow breeds were the least variables. The higher average milk yield was obtained from Simmcntal and Rot Bunt dairy cows. In Simmcnlal and hybrid of Red Angular dairy cow breeds, the I at % was significantly increased by lactation season. In contrast, in Red Anglar, Swiss-Brown and Hybrid of Rot Bunt, the highest fat % was recorded in milk of the first lactation season then decreased as the lactation season increased. It was clearly observed that SCC in most breeds was in its lowest values during the 2nd lactation season. The ob¬tained results proved also that fat % was high in the morning milk in all breeds except Red Anglar and hybrid of Brown breed. The fat % and milk production in most dairy cow breeds were high in early and mid lactation stages. Generally, higher milk yields at early stages of lactation are accompanied by low constituent percentages. It concluded that most of interna¬tional cow breeds can be successfully raised under Egyptian conditions of raising for milk production. However. Simmcntal and Rot Bunt were the best for milk production while Red Angular and Simmcntal milk have the highest fat %.
Publication year 2005
Pages 95-106
Availability location معهد بحوث التناسليات الحيوانية- 5 شارع حدائق الأهرام - الهرم - الجيزة
Availability number
Organization Name
Author(s) from ARC
Agris Categories Animal physiology - Growth and development
Cow milk.
Publication Type Researsh & Applied Activities