Effects of growth promoter boldenone undecylenate on weaned male lambs

Abstract: Abstract
This study aimed to observe the effects of an anabolic androgenic synthetic commercial steroid (Boldenone, BOL) on the growth performance of prepubertal male lambs. Lambs were divided into three equal groups (n=4), the first group injected 5mg boldenone, the second group injected 2.5 mg and the third one injected olive oil served as control. All treated groups received 5 injections at three week interval. Blood samples and body weight were taken until the seventh week after last injection. Blood serum total proteins, albumin, urea, total cholesterol and high density lipoproteins (HDL), ALT and AST and creatinine were recorded in addition to some whole blood haemogram parameters. Testosterone, T3 and T4were assayed. The results indicated a significant increase in body gain in treated groups, total proteins and haemoglonbin with a decrease in urea. An insignificant increase in testosterone was recorded in both treated groups. The study proved that boldenone improved the performance of male lambs and treated lambs reached puberty earlier than control. [Nature and Science. 2009;7(3):61-69]. (ISSN: 1545-0740).

Publication year 2009
Pages 69-61
Organization Name
Author(s) from ARC
External authors (outside ARC)
    امل ابو المعاطى المركز القومى للبحوث
Agris Categories Animal physiology and biochemistry
Publication Type Researsh & Applied Activities