Antioxidant markers,trace minerals and steroid hormones in preconceptional Arab mares.

Abstract: Arab brood mares (n=24) underwent weekly gynecological ultrasound examination and blood sampling during their breeding time from detection of mature ovulating follicle ( 35 mm) till detection of early regnancy. Mares were divided according to conception into fertile when pregnancy was detected at 18 -45 days post breeding and sub-fertile when no pregnancy was detected. Sera were separated and subjected to hormonal assaying, copper and zinc measurements in addition to some oxidative stress biomarkers. Independent sample t-test was performed to evaluate data. Both zinc (p=0.02) and copper (p=0.05) levels were high in fertile mares. Superoxide dismutase SOD (p=0.002) and nitric oxide NO (p=0.59) levels were low in fertile mares. Ascorbic acid AA (p= 0.27) and glutathione reduced GSH (p=0.61) were slightly high in fertile mares. Malonaldehyde MDA was nearly similar in both fertile and infertile mares (p=0.99). Estradiol (p=0.02), progesterone (p=0.41), cortisol (p=0.0001) and testosterone (p=0.049) were low in fertile mares. The negative correlation between zinc and cortisol and between SOD with zinc and copper let us conclude that some mares with a sufficient antioxidants reservoir can overcome stress during breeding which are not only increase cortisol levels, but also affects trace minerals and SOD activity and in turn decrease conception either by decline in immunonological status or oxidant/antioxidant imbalance. Supplementing mares with sufficient antioxidants such as zinc, copper and ascorbic acid can overcome such stress and improve conception.

Publication year 2012
Pages 311-318
Organization Name
Author(s) from ARC
External authors (outside ARC)
    امل محمود ابو المعاطى
    فوزية يوسف
Agris Categories Animal physiology and biochemistry
Publication Type Researsh & Applied Activities