Studies on immunity and reproductive performance in ewes infested with sarcoptes and fed on ration polluted with mycotoxin


Three hundred and fifty female sheep aged from 8 months to 18months old from three farms at El-Kanater ElKhayria (Gizzera ElSheer) were used in this study. They were classified according to their cases into four groups as follow; 100 ewes suffering from bloody diarrhea and emaciation fed on ration containing 150 ppb;aflatoxin .100 ewes suffering from bloody diarrhea, emaciation and skin lesions;100 ewes suffering from skin lesions. The first three groups showed no signs of estrus and no accept rams.50 ewes apparently healthy and showed normal estrus sings Hematological examination demonstrated: decrease in Hb %, RBCs and PCV. Sera biochemical examination from all affected animals (groups 1,2,3) indicated hypoproteinaemia , hypoalbnaemia, elevated liver enzymes ( ALT, AST and AP )with increase in both urea and creatinine concentration which indicated kidney dysfunction , also there was decrease in serum calcium , inorganic phosphorus , sodium and potassium .On the other hand there was decrease in antioxidants (vitamin A , vitamin E, glutathione and superoxide Dismutase). Also there was decrease in the levels of FSH, LH and estradiol hormones. It is obvious that either aflatoxicosis or mange or both of them alter the hematological, biochemical and hormonal pictures of affected ewes.

الابحاث المقدمة كنشاط علمى
Publication year 2009
Pages 443-454
Availability location المجلة
Availability number
Organization Name
Author(s) from ARC
External authors (outside ARC)
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    محمد عبد الرحمن
Agris Categories Animal physiology and biochemistry
Publication Type Researsh & Applied Activities