Immunological Studies of Trypsin Treated Epsilon Toxins of C.perfringens Type D,Used in Vaccine Production

Abstract: Different concentrations of trypsin (0.005, 0.01, 0.05,0.1 and 0.3%) were used for activation of epsilon protoxin. The maximum activation was obtained with the concentrations of 0.05, 0.1 and 0.3% as they gave toxicity of 8.000, 10.000 and 10.000 MLD/ml, respictively. Bivalent and polyvalent vaccines produced from theses high batches gave satisfactory antibody titers in immunized sheep.
Publication year 2003
Pages 69-73
Availability location (معهد بحوث الامصال واللقاحات البيطرية)
Availability number
Organization Name
City القاهرة
serial title الجمعية الطبية البيطرية المصرية J.Egypt.Vet.Med.Assoc
Department Anaerobic Bacterial Vaccine Research
Author(s) from ARC
External authors (outside ARC)
    أ.د. عبد السلام زكي حسين معهد بحوث الأمصال واللقاحات البيطرية
    د.نادية مصطفى عمارة معهد بحوث الأمصال واللقاحات البيطرية
Agris Categories Animal diseases
Proposed Agrovoc Animals--Diseases;Veterinary pharmacology;Animals--Diseases--Prevention;
Publication Type Journal