Tetravalent dog vaccine(avaccine against canine distemper,canine parvo, canine hepatitis and rabies)

Abstract: In a trial to achieve a highly potent and safe cell culture vaccines against rabies, canine parvo, canine distemper and infectious canine hepatitis, two forms of a combined vaccine were prepared. The first form was composed of lyophilized living attenuated cell culture vaccine containing the protective dose of each of canine parvo, canine distemper and canine adenovirus-1 and dissolved on use in the inactivated rabis vaccine . The 2nd form was an inactivated tetra-dog vaccine containing the four inactivated viruses and adjuvanted with alhydragel. The protective dose of the 2nd form was depending on the required of viral antigen protein as detected previously for each single virus vaccine, such vaccines were proved to be safe in either mice or dogs. Evaluation of such vaccines were performed in 5-8 month aged dogs vaccinated subcutaneously showing no sign of disease after vaccination or after challenge with the virulent virus strains. These animals exhibited good levels of serum neutralizing antiobody titers indicating that there was no antagonizing effect of any virus against the immune response dogs on other virus.
Keyword: Canine distemper, canine parvo, infectious canine hepatitis, rabies, dog vaccines and polyvalent vaccines .
Publication year 2004
Availability location معهد بحوث الامصال و اللقاحات البيطرية - القاهرة - ش السكة البيضاء - العباسية
Availability number
Organization Name
City القاهرة
serial title Proc. The1st Intern. Conf. Vet. Res. Div., NRC, Cairo, Egypt, February 15-17th, 2004
Department Pet animal Res. And Vaccines Production
Author(s) from ARC
External authors (outside ARC)
    عطيات محمد
Agris Categories Animal diseases
Canine adenovirus. Distemper virus. Dogs. Rabies. Vaccines.
Publication Type Conference/Workshop