Studies on rift valley fever inactivated and attenuated vaccines in Camel

Abstract: Eight camels were used in this study to evaluate the immune status of camels experimentally vaccinated with either inactivated or attenuated RVF vaccine. This study revealed by using SNT that the antibodies against RVF reached to the protective level at the 3rd week (NI1.5) for group I which vaccinated with 2ml containing 106TCID50/ml of inactivated RVF vaccine and reaching its peak at the 1th week (NI2.3) while in group II which vaccinated with 4ml containing 106TCID50/ml of inactivated RVF vaccine the level of protection was detected at the 2nd week(NI 1.9) and reaching its peak at the 10th week post vaccination (NI 3.4) . In groupIII which were vaccinated with attenuated RVF vaccine 2ml containing 104TCID50/ml, the neutralizing antibodies reached to the protective level at the first week post vaccination (NI 1.5) and after 3 months post vaccination the NI was 3.7. Regarding agar gel precipitation test, it was noticed that the precipitaion line obtained 14 days post vaccination in group I and after 7 days post vaccination in group II&III.
From this study we found that the optimal dose of tissue culture inactivated RVF vaccine is4ml containing 106TCID50/ml while 2 ml conatining 14TCID50/ml for attenuated RVF vaccine for camels to obtain effective immune response after vacciantion
Publication year 2003
Pages 95-102
Availability location معهد بحوث الامصال و اللقاحات البيطرية - القاهرة - ش السكة البيضاء - العباسية
Availability number
Organization Name
serial title Assoc
Author(s) from ARC
Agris Categories Animal diseases
Camels. Rift valley fever virus. Vaccines.
Publication Type Journal