Adverse response of non-indigenous cattle of european breeds to live attenuated smithburn rift valley fever vaccine

Abstract: Three hundred eighteen European cows and 115 buffaloes were vaccinated with locally prepared Smithburn vaccine, of which, 100 cows and 20 buffaloes were pregnant. Twenty - eight cows aborted within 72 days post-vaccination, buffaloes did not abort. blood samples collected 77 days post-vaccination from aborted cows, 17 pregnant cows, 5 pregbabt buffaloes, and 32 non-pregnant cows. Sera were tested by ELISA for anti-RVF IgM and IgG . Five of 17 cows and two of five buffaloes that did not abort were IgG positives in pregnant non-aborted cows was lower than in non-pregnant cows. The percentage of IgG positives of non-pregnant cows was lower than pregnant aborted cows. Virus was isolated from one aborted fetus. The nucleotide sequence of fetus virus was compared to Smtihburn of Onderstepport, local Smithburn and virus isloates from 1993 to 1994 and 1977 RVF outbreaks. The nucleotide sequences of 1993-1994 isolates were identical to 1977 outbreak virus. virus from the fetus had two mutations; it is apparently a variant that is genetically distant from local Smithburn and Onderstepoort vaccines. Fetus virus was genetically distant from virus of 1993/1994 and 1977 outbreaks.In conclusion, antibody response to vaccination with local Smithburn had occured in some, but not all the cows and buffaloes. Virus isolation from the fetus suggests in utero transmission of used vaccine virus, which resulted in high abortions in European cows.
Publication year 2006
Pages 787-791
Availability location معهد بحوث الامصال و اللقاحات البيطرية - القاهرة - ش السكة البيضاء - العباسية
Availability number
Organization Name
City cairo
serial title Journal of Medical Virology
Author(s) from ARC
External authors (outside ARC)
    بولس بطرس
    عاطف سليمان
Agris Categories Animal diseases
Cattle. Rift valley fever virus. Vaccines.
Publication Type Journal