ٍٍStudies on some rapid and sensitive techniques for detection of equine herpes virus

Abstract: Specific pathogen free (SPF) embryonated chicken Egg (ECE), 11-13 days old were inoculated by locally isolate of EHV-1 for propagation and adaptation and antigen preparation. Dot-immunobinding assay, Immunofluoroscene and western blot were applied in this study for rapid detection of EHV-1. Dot-immunobinding Assay proved its sensitivity and reliability for rapid detection and titration of EHV-1 antigen. While IF could detect EHV-1 as early as 8 hours post inoculation of CAMs, then reaction increased gradually till it reached its maximal at 18 hours post inoculation. also, western blot proved its ability for detection the most immunogenic epitops of EHV-1; 29.5 KDa.
Publication year 2004
Pages 463-470
Availability location معهد بحوث الامصال واللقاحات البيطرية -القاهرة - ش السكة البيضاء - العباسية ص ب 131
Availability number
Organization Name
City قناة السويس
serial title مجلة طب بيطري قناة السويس .Suez Canal Vet.Med.J.Vol
ISSN 1110-6298
Author(s) from ARC
Agris Categories Pests of animals
Proposed Agrovoc Equine herpes virus;Embryonated chicken egg;
Publication Type Journal