Immune response of polyvalent clostridial vaccine in cattle and sheep

Abstract: Two groups of cattle were injected with two equal volume doses of polyvalent vaccine, three weeks apart (5ml for first group, 3ml for the second group). Another two groups of sheep recieved the same vaccine in two doses as 5ml and 3ml, three weeks apart for the first group, but the second group recieved 3ml for both, first and second doses.It was found that 5ml doses in case of cattle, gave high antibody titer compared to the group recieved 3ml doses. In sheep, there was no significant difference in the immune response in both groups.
Publication year 2004
Pages 521-526
Availability location معهد بحوث الامصال واللقاحات البيطرية -القاهرة - ش السكة البيضاء - العباسية ص ب 131
Availability number
Organization Name
City السويس
serial title المؤتمر العلمي الثالثلكلية طب بيطري - جامعة قناة السويس
Author(s) from ARC
Agris Categories Animal diseases
Cattle. Immune response. Sheep. Vaccines.
Proposed Agrovoc لقاح الكلوستريديا الجامع;
Publication Type Conference/Workshop