Studies on the effect of theileria infection on the immunity of sheep vaccinated with sheep pox vaccine

Abstract: The effect of theileria infection on the immunity produced by sheep pox vaccine was studied. Fourteen susceptible sheep were divided into 5 groups, four of them were inoculated either with sheep pox vaccine alone or simultaneously with theileria infection (acute or chronic), with keeping the last group as none vaccinated none infected control group. Serum samples, blood and lymph nodes smears were collected from the tested sheep during the experiment. The results obtained by challenge, serum neutralization and indirect fluorescent antibody tests revealed that the sheep pox antibody levels were highly depressed in the group actually infected with theileria two weeks before vaccination, where their sera produced low neutralizing index (<1.5) and they showed positive reactions to challenge with virulent sheep pox virus, the same as the control group. The other two groups of sheep either infected with chronic theileriosis or acute acute theileriosis at the same time of vaccination showed partial suppression of the antibody levels and their neutralizing indices remained still protective and resisted the challenge with virulent sheep pox virus.
Publication year 2001
Pages 45-55
Availability location مكتبة الجمعية الطبية البيطرية المصرية
Availability number
Organization Name
City القاهرة
serial title مجلة الجمعية الطبية البيطرية المصرية
Author(s) from ARC
External authors (outside ARC)
    فريد فؤاد زكي المعمل المركزي للرقابة على المستحضرات الحيوية البيطرية
    نصر أحمد حجازي معهد بحوث الأمصال واللقاحات البيطرية
Agris Categories Animal diseases
Capripoxvirus. Immunity. Theileria. Vaccines.
Publication Type Journal