Further studies on FMD on wild roddent in Egypt

Abstract: In this investigation, FMD virus isolated from wild rats (0/rat strain), showed lower virulence for cattle and sheep, than the locally isolated virus(O1/2/72) from cattle in spite of the identity of antigenic realtionship of both strains.
Experimentally infected cattle and sheep by FMD virus (O/rat strain) showed milder clinical signs than animals infected by O1/2/72 strain of FMD virus.
Serum neutralizing antibody titres of cattle and sheep infected by O/rat strain were lower than animals infected by O1/2/72 strain of FMD virus.
Virus isolated from blood of cattle and sheep infected by O/rat strain was of lower in titre than animals infected by O1/2/72 strain of FMD virus.
Study the antigenic relationship revealed that O/rat strain was antigenically realted to O1/2/72 strain of FMD virus, althoughO1/2/72 strain of FMD was dominating the O/rat strain.
Wild rats infected by FMD o/rat strain showed tongue and feet vesicles, and were capable to excrete FMD virus in their foeces in titre ranged from 102.5 to 10.3.25TCID50.
Susceptible calf placed in contact with FMD infected rats did not take the infection under this experimental condition.
Wild rats do not play any role in transmission of FMD in Egypt.

Publication year 1985
Availability location معهد بحوث الامصال واللقاحات البيطرية-الدقى
Availability number
Organization Name
Country Egypt
Author(s) from ARC
Agris Categories Animal diseases
Foot and mouth disease.
Proposed Agrovoc Roddent;
Publication Type PhD Thesis