Detection of atypical mycobacteriosis in horses affected with Influenza virus

Abstract: In December 2001, the police Academy notify about several cases of pulmonary manifestations accompanied by severe debilitation and deaths in equine population. Rapid clinical examination revealed typical signs of influenza while post mortum examination pay attention to another macroscopically infection appeared as suspected tuberculosis like lesions throughout the lung tissues, mesenteric lymph node and liver. Ziehl-Nelson stained smear from these lesions revealed acid-fast bacilli. Bacteriological, biochemical tests and laboratory tests were used to identify the strain of the isolated mycobacterium which was identified as M.avium Mycobacterium complex. Further investigation was done including HA, HI, Biochemical assay and ELISA for viral serodiagnosis. Isolation and identification of viral infection which was identified as influenza virus type A subtype.2
Publication year 2003
Pages 188-196
Availability location معهد بحوث الامصال و اللقاحات البيطرية - القاهرة - ش السكة البيضاء - العباسية
Availability number
Organization Name
City اسيوط
serial title الجمعية المصرية لأمراض الماشية باسيوط
Author(s) from ARC
External authors (outside ARC)
    د.عصام امين نصر معهد بحوث الأمصال واللقاحات البيطرية
    أ.د. مجدي موسى ابراهيم معهد بحوث الأمصالو اللقاحات البيطرية
    أ.د. حامد محمود همام
Agris Categories Animal diseases
Horses. Influenzavirus.
Proposed Agrovoc Mycobacteriosis;
Publication Type Conference/Workshop