Immune response of chicken infected with Coccidia for fowl pox vaccine

Abstract: The effect of Coccidia infection on immunity produced by fowl pox virus vaccine (FPVV) was studied fifty, 21 day – old broiler chickens were divided into 5 groups. Three of them were inoculated either with FPVV alone (group II) or simultaneously with the two strains of Eimeria ( E.tenella and E.necatrix) (group III) while the FPVV were inoculated at acute stage of Coccidia infection in group IV. The 1st group were experimentally infected with Coccidia only (group I) while the last group (V) considered as control. The results obtained by lymphocyte transformation assay ( LTA). Solid phase enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) and challenge tests revealed that the T- lymphocyte cells and fowl pox antibody levels were highly suppressed in group I and IV while group III showed partial suppression either T- lymphocyte cells or antibody level and can resist the challenge with virulent fowl pox virus. The group(IV) and 1st subgroup V showed positive reaction to challenge with virulent fowl pox virus.
Publication year 2006
Pages 1
Organization Name
City كفر الشيخ
serial title مجلة كفر الشيخ الطبية البيطرية - جامعة طنطا فرع كفر الشيخ
Author(s) from ARC
External authors (outside ARC)
    رجب محمد الخطيب معهد بحوث الأمصال واللقاحات البيطرية
Agris Categories Animal diseases
Avipoxvirus. Chickens. Coccidia. Immune response.
Publication Type Journal