Trials for the preparation of immunoglobulin conjugated with peroxidase for diagnosis of avian spirochaetosis

Abstract: Polyclonal antibody against Borrelia anserine labeled with horseradish peroxidase and conjugated by periodate method was prepared to be used for diagnosis of avian spirochaetosis in diseased and vaccinated birds by ELISA technique. The prepared conjugate strong positive reaction at a dilution of 1/ 2000 and that showed its efficiency for detecting Borrelia anserina in suspected samples directly or indirectly.
Publication year 2008
Organization Name
City القاهرة
serial title Proc.of Middle East & North Africa Conf. for future of animal wealth
Author(s) from ARC
Agris Categories Animal diseases
Bacterioses. Borrelia. Diagnosis. Elisa. Immunoglobulins. Peroxidases.
Publication Type Conference/Workshop