Recent isolation and identification of equine Herpes Viral abortion (EHV-1) in Egypt -2007

Abstract: In the present study, the causative agent of the equine herpes viral abortion (EHV-1) was locally isolated and identified. Different types of samples (liver, lung, spleen, placenta and serum) were collected from five aborted mares and their foeti. The affected animals were located in a private farm in Egypt and have a history of recurrent abortion during the years 2005and 2006. attempts for isolation of the causative agent were performed on the chorioallantoic membrane of SPF embryonated chicken eggs and tissue culture cells (Vero cell line). The highest titre of the isolated virus was obtained from the liver of aborted foeti (8-9 log10 EID50 per ml at the 3rd egg passage) and (7-8 log 10 TCID50 per ml at 5th tissue culture passage). The identity of the isolated virus was further confirmed by several serological assays like AGPT, virus neutralization test, ELISA and immunofluorescence using reference rabbit anti- EHV-1 antiserum. Additionally, EHV-1 specific antibodies were significantly detected in sera of the aborted mares using AGPT and ELISA.
Key words: equine Herpes viral abortion (EHV-1) , isolation , chorioallantoic membrane, Vero cell line, identification, AGPT, ELISA neutralization test, immunofluorescence.
Publication year 2008
Pages 9
Organization Name
City port-said
serial title 9th Vet.Med.Zag.Conference
Author(s) from ARC
External authors (outside ARC)
    أ.د. حامد ابراهيم سماحة
Agris Categories Animal diseases
Egypt. Equine herpesvirus. Identification. Isolation. Viroses.
Publication Type Conference/Workshop