Comparison on the effect of different adjuvants on the evaluation of immune response of monovalent and bivalent vaccines containing pasturella multocida and/or rabbit haemorrhagic disease virus

Abstract: A two combined bivalent inactivated oil emulsified vaccines against Rabbit haemorrhagic disease virus (RHDV) and Rabit haemorrhagic septicemia (RHS) using 2 types of montanide oils (ISA-50 and ISA-70) were prepared. Also 2 single monovalent inactivated vaccines were prepared, one against RHDV using A1 OH gel while the other against RHS but using Whiterex 309 white white oil with span 80. These 4 types of local vaccines plus 2 imported monovalent vaccine against RHDV, one adjuvanted with A1 OH gel and the other adjuvanted with oil, were compared from the aspect of immune response upon the vaccinated rabbits. The comparison was based on the estimation of the humoral immune response for both RHDV and p.multocida by IHA. Seven groups of susceptible rabbits were used one fro each vaccine and the 7th was control. The immune reponse was followed up for 12 weeks. Higher and earlier immune response against RHDV was induced by oil emulsified vaccines at 1st week post vaccination (WPV) while local monovalent inactivated RHDV vaccine induce lower immune response then both of them induce gradual increase in immune response but such response is higher in oil vaccines. Higher and earlier immune response against P.multocida was obtained by bivalent oil emulsified vaccine using montanide ISA-70 and such response increase after that while montanide ISA-50 and Whiterex 309 white oil with span 80 gave nearly the same response.
Publication year 2009
Pages 893-911
Availability location ش السكة البيضاء - العباسية -القاهرة
Availability number
Organization Name
City المنصورة
serial title المؤتمر الدولي العلمي السادس - كلية الطب البيطري-جامعة المنصورة بالتعاون مع جامعة تيرامو ايطاليا
Author(s) from ARC
External authors (outside ARC)
    محمد محمود طه المعمل المركزي للرقابة على المستحضرات الحيوية البيطرية
    امل اسماعيل محمد المعمل المركزي للرقابة على المستحضرات الحيوية البيطرية
    هيام فاروق السيد المعمل المركزي للرقابة على المستحضرات الحيوية البيطرية
Agris Categories Animal diseases
Adjuvants. Rabbits.
Publication Type Conference/Workshop