The use of binary thylenimine and formalin as inactivants for production of inactivated newcastle disease vaccine   

Abstract: The use of Binary Ethylenimine as inactivant for Newcastle virus give a promising result as it has no effect on the antiginecity of the virus when used in a concentration of 0.01M or 0.03M at the same time it had completely reduced the virulence of the virus within 6 to 8 hours according to the concentration. This results were superior than teh results obtained when using formaldehyde solution as inactivant in concentration of 0.1% or 0.2% which significantly reduced antigenicity from 1024 to 32 HA titr. The experimental prepared batches of Binary inactivated vaccine as compared with fromalin ianctivated prepared vaccine by different adjuvants (oil-gel) proved that the BEI 0.1M wiht oil as adjuvent was the best as it gives the highest 10g2 HI titer(5.3) as well as the highest protection percentage 94%.
Publication year 1996
Pages 157-168
Availability location ش السكة البيضاء - العباسية -القاهرة
Availability number
Organization Name
City Assiut
serial title Assiut veterinary medical journal
ISSN 1012-5973
Author(s) from ARC
External authors (outside ARC)
    وفاء زغلول
Agris Categories Animal diseases
Formaldehyde. Newcastle disease. Vaccines.
Publication Type Journal