Studies on pathogenic Escherichia coli organism in ready to eat meat products with special reference to Diarrhoea in children

Abstract: A total of 146 samples of luncheon (50), basterma (27); stool from diarhhoeal (33) and control children (36) with no complain of diarhhoea at age of range from 6 to 12 years old (whome case history was that they ate luncheon and / or basterma at least the day before stool specimens collection, were collected from Giza, Cairo and Kalyobia Governorates and examined bacteriologically for isolation of Esherichia coli (E.coli) including different pathogenic E.coli groups.
The serological identification of the isolated E.coli revealed that it is important to mention that the pathogenic serovar 078 was isolated for first time (first record) in Egypt from basterma, out of 124 E.coli strains isolated from the studied specimens, 52 strains could be serotyped and belonged to 15 different pathogenic E.coli serovars, these serovars were 06, 018ab 018ac, 025,026,028ab 028ac, 044, 078, 086, 0111, 0112ab 0112ac, 014.0119,0124,0126 and 0128, those could be categorized into 4 different pathogenic E.coli groups including enteropathogenic E.coli (EPEC); Enterotoxigenic E.coli (ETEC) and Enteroenvasive E.coli (EIEC).
The incidence of E.coli in luncheon and basterma was 18% and 11.1% respectively. While the incidence of pathogenic E.coli in luncheon, basterma, diarrhea and control children stool specimens was 8%, 3.7%, 39.4% and 33.3% respectively.
The most prevalent serovars isolated from the examined ready to eat meat products were 078, 01ab, 018ac and 0128, however, the most prevalent serovars isolated from diarrhoeal children stool specimens were 0128, 025 and 078, while 0128 and 078 were the most prevalent one isolated from stool of control children.
The enetrotoxigenic activity of isolated E.coli that produced eneterotoxin(s) was belonged to 5 serovars (018ab 018ac, 028ab 028ac, 044, 078 and 0128 and also some of untypable E.coli were (LT) producers.
Publication year 1994
Pages 121-146
Availability location القاهرة - ش السكة البيضاء - العباسية
Availability number
Organization Name
City Cairo
serial title Egypt journal medical lab. sci.
Author(s) from ARC
External authors (outside ARC)
    سعد محمود سعد
    توبي توماس
    أمال غنيم
Agris Categories Animal diseases
Diarrhoea. Escherichia coli.
Publication Type Journal