Molecular variability and identities among Egyptian Rvfv isolates

Abstract: The Egyptian isolates of RVF viruses exhibited variable pathogenicity to intracerebrally and intrapretonially inoculated baby and adult mice respectively. The ZH-501 proved to be lethal for both animals whereas ZH-548M12 and phebovirus are only mortals for intracerebrally inoculated mice. Such discrepancy in the infectivity was the motif for molecular speculations targeting the M. segment of these viruses in order to figure out the degree of resemblance and divergence in their genotypic constitution that might elucidate their peculiar phenotypic criteria. These investigations have proved that the degree of homology between ZH-501 and ZH-548M12 was 99.4% and 99.74%, while the identity between ZH-501 and phlebovirus was 99.88 % and 99.1% either on the nucleotide and amino acid levels respectively. Six consensus sequences were also detected along, four of them were carried on G2 gene and two are harboured on G1 gene. This curious highly conserved sequence might be responsible for the epitopes that elicit the RVF specific antibodies (especially the neutralizing ones). Also, the high degree of homology among the Egyptian isolates may give a clue for their unique source being derived most probably from ZH-501. The area of divergence are located mainly on the G1 sequence denoting variable domains that might have a role concerningtheir virulence phenotypes. Further investigations should be devoted to studying the attenuated strains as immunogens particulary in the enzootic areas . Moreover, for speculating the role and topology of the common antigenic determinants.
Publication year 2001
Pages 370-378
Availability location القاهرة - ش السكة البيضاء - العباسية
Availability number
Organization Name
serial title Assiut veterinary medical jornal
Author(s) from ARC
External authors (outside ARC)
    محمد محمود طه المعمل المركزى للرقابة على المستحضرات
Agris Categories Animal diseases
Molecular biology.
Publication Type Journal