A trial on the production of a thermostable rinderpest vaccine

Abstract: Stability testing of rinderpest vaccine lyophilized through two different cycles of lyophilization (A and B ) revealed superiority of cycle B ; with final temperature of 35 ° C in a total cycle of 74 hours, over cycle A; with final temperatures of 30 ° C in a total cycle of 72 hours. Rinderpest vaccine lyophilized through the superior cycle enjoyed higher level of heat resistance on being dissolved in lactalbumin hydrolysate medium, than that found with either physiological saline solution (pH 7.2) ; or molar solution of magnesium sulphate. Rinderpest vaccine produced through the superior cycle of lyophilization and dissolved in lactalbumin hydrolysate proved to be safe and efficacious on being inoculated into susceptible calves.
Publication year 1999
Pages 611-616
Availability location القاهرة - ش السكة البيضاء - العباسية
Availability number
Organization Name
City الأسكنداريه
serial title third scientific conference for medical researches
ISSN 1110-2047
Author(s) from ARC
External authors (outside ARC)
    محمد احمد معاذ
Agris Categories Animal diseases
Publication Type Conference/Workshop