Local immune response at respiratory tract of calves vaccinated with Pasteurella multocida vaccines.

Abstract: In this study we investigate the effectiveness of intranasal vaccination of calves with live streptomycin-dependent mutant of P.multocida type B vaccine in comparison with inactivated one. Live P.multocida vaccine gave higher mitogenic response of the peripheral blood lymphocytes as measured by lymphocyte blastogenesis assay than inactivated one allover the priod of the experiment. The haemagglutinating antibodies as measured by passive haemagglutinating antibodies as measured by passive haemaglutination test (HA) and the IgG as measured by ELISA rose from one day to reach the peak at 15 days, and then decline till 12 weeks post vaccination for live vaccine. However for inactivated vaccine it reached the peak at 8 weeks and then decline till 12 week post vaccination. Calves with P.multocida vaccine gave higher and earlier secretory IgA in nasal secretions than inactivated one. In conclusion, the intranasal administration of live streptomycin induced local cellular immune response, IgA antibodies and systemic IgG antibodies.

Publication year 2005
Pages 86-99
Availability location القاهرة - ش السكة البيضاء - العباسية
Availability number
Organization Name
City Assiut
serial title Assiut veterinary medical journal
Author(s) from ARC
Agris Categories Animal diseases
Calves. Pasteurella multocida.
Publication Type Journal