Trials for preparation of combined inactivated respiratory virus vaccine containing BVD Genotypes I&II, IBR, PI-3 AND BRS viruses

Abstract: An inactivated combined respiratory virus adjuvanted vaccine, namely Pneumo-5, containing both antigenically distinct bovine viral diarhhea virus genotypes 1 and2 (BVDV-1 and BVDV-2), infectious bovine rhinotravheitis virus (IBRV), parainfluenza-3 (PI-3V) and bovine respiratory syncytial virus 9BRSV) was prepared and evaluated for safety in laboratory animals (mice and guinea pigs) and susceptible calves as well as for potency and duration of immunity in calves. The locally developed Pneumo-5 vaccine is proved fully safe in both laboratory animals and claves. All vaccinated calves developed protective virus neutralizing antibody titers against all viral antigen components (BVDV-1,BVDV-2,IBRV, PI-3V and BRSV) higher than the minimal protective level by 4th week post-vaccination that lasts for6 months post-vacciantion. Therefore, the locally developed pneumo-5 vaccine, being safe and potent, is recommended for field application to better and effective control of viral pneumoenteritis in cattle.
Publication year 2005
Pages 433-445
Availability location القاهرة - ش السكة البيضاء - العباسية
Availability number
Organization Name
City المنصورة
serial title المؤتمر الدولي العلمي الرابع
Author(s) from ARC
External authors (outside ARC)
    احمد عبد السميع قسم الفيرولوجي- جامعة الزقازيق
Agris Categories Animal diseases
Proposed Agrovoc الإسهال الفيروسي;الباراانفلونزا;
Publication Type Conference/Workshop