Molecular and immunological characterization of cross reactive antigens of some Salmonella serovars

Abstract: Bacterial cell lysate (bcl), outer membrane protein (omp) and lipopolysaccharide (LPS) were solubilized from three locally isolated salomonella serovars namely; S.dublin, S.enteritids and S.typhimurium of bovine origin as well as a standard S.enteridis strain. The three abvee mentioned antigens from the four tested salmonella were compared for their antigenic structure and cross reactive components using sodium dodecyl sulphate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) and Western blot. Moreover, their potential use as coating ELISA antigens was assessed by indirect ELISA for serodiagnosis of bovine salmonelosis. Some variability in banding patterns occurred among the examined salmonellae on the level of OMP and BCL. A 48 KDa protein was the major cross-reacting component of OMP among all salmonella serovars tested. Also, there is evidence of a common 43 KDa protein as cross reacting antigen only between S.enteritids and S.dublin. These antigenic components could be responsible for the high efficacy of ELISA obtained using OMP and BCL antigens homologous and heterologous anti-salomonella antibodies in bovine sera as well as in rabbit hyperimmune sera. OMP or BCL or LPS from a local strain of S.enteritidis are effective candidates for salmonella serovar-wide serodiagnosis. These results, regarding the 43 and 48 KDa prorteins of OMP, initiate a potential to develop subunit and recombinant vaccines for host-wide immunization.
Publication year 1999
Pages 395-417
Availability location القاهرة - ش السكة البيضاء - العباسية
Availability number
Organization Name
City Cairo
serial title 24th Arab veterinary medical congress- The journal of egyptian veterinary medical association
Author(s) from ARC
External authors (outside ARC)
    عبد السلام زكي
Agris Categories Animal diseases
Antigens. Immunological competence. Molecular biology.
Publication Type Conference/Workshop