Clinical studies on the effect of BCG In protecting calves challenged with FMD virus

Abstract: Five groups each of 3 mixed breed male calves aged 9-11 months, were inoculated with FMD “O1 “ Vaccine only; BCG vaccine only: BCG and FMD vaccine simultaneously, FMD vaccine , 6 weeks after inoculation with BCG and the last group was non- vaccinated and left as control, respectively. Twenty one days post inoculation all vaccinated groups and the control one were experimentally challenged intradermolingually with 104 MLD50 of FMD virus (strain 01/2/72-Egypt) the locally prepared formalin inactivated aluminium hydroxide adsorbed tissue culture FMD “O1 “ Vaccine either alone or with BCG vaccine was proved to be safe and potent enough to protect calves against experimental FMD virus infection. Mean- while , BCG failed to protect the experimentally infected calves against FMD virus infection when used alone.
Publication year 1992
Pages 92-104
Availability location القاهرة - ش السكة البيضاء - العباسية
Availability number
Organization Name
City Beni-suef
serial title Beni-suef, vet med.Journal
Author(s) from ARC
External authors (outside ARC)
    رفعت عزب
    حمدي الصوفي
Agris Categories Animal diseases
Aphthovirus. Calves. Clinical trials.
Publication Type Journal