Humoral and local immune response to Different Newcastle disease vaccines

Abstract: This study was planned to assess the use of highly immunogenic vaccine. Comparing between live and killed ND vaccine and between two types of killed vaccine were used. HB1 live NDV vaccine inactivated aluminum hydroxid gel formalized ND vaccine and inactivated oil ND vaccine. 210 one day old chicks having maternal immunity of mean HI titre 5.5 log2 were subjected to vaccination with the mentioned ND vaccines and the following results were obtained. The humoral immune response in chicks after vaccination with live vaccine alone result in higher mean HI titre (2.375 log2 in 6th week post vaccination) then the use of killed vaccine alone . inactivated oil emulsion ND vaccine alone induced higher level of humoral HI antibodies titre (1.75 long2 in 6th week post vaccination) than aluminum hydroxide gel formalized ND vaccine alone (1.5 log2 in the 6th week post vaccination). Also , the use of both live with oil vaccine produced higher humoral immune response (4.5 log2 in 6th week post vaccination) then the use of live with aluminium hydroxide vaccine (3.5 log2 in 6th week post vaccination).
Study of the local immunity in vaccinated chicks for all groups revealed that these chicks have no local immunity.
The challenge test applied 6 weeks post vaccination indicated that the protection percent was 50% , 62.5% , 87.5% ,100% and 80% for aluminium hydroxide vaccine , oil vaccine, aluminium hydroxide vaccine with live vaccine , oil vaccine with live vaccine and liver vaccine alone respectively
Publication year 1992
Pages 111-118
Availability location القاهرة - ش السكة البيضاء - العباسية
Availability number
Organization Name
City Giza
serial title Veterinary medical journal - Giza
ISSN 1110-1423
Author(s) from ARC
External authors (outside ARC)
    Mohamed, R.T. Faculty of veterinary medicine, cairo university
    Reda, M.I.
    Salwa El Assile
Agris Categories Animal diseases
Humoral immunity. Immune response. Newcastle disease. Vaccines.
Publication Type Journal