Response of Sheep to Simulaneous Inoculation with Attenuated PPRV, Attenuated RVFV and B.C.G.

Abstract: In a trial to investigate the performance of PPR, RVF and BCG vaccines when given synchronously; 24 susceptible sheep were randomly divided into 8 groups as of group
I vaccinated with PPR vaccine; group II inoculated with both PPR and RVF vaccines; group III vaccinated with PPR and BCG vaccines; group IV inoculated with PPR, RVF and BCG vaccines; group V inoculated with RVF vaccine; group VI inoculated with RVF and BCG vaccines; group VII inoculated with BCG vaccine and group VIII was a control unvaccinated one. Results revealed identical serological responses as for each of the two viral vaccines whether given solely or simultaneously with the corresponding one. Administration of BCG enhanced the serological response to each of the two viral vaccines when given solely or dually. Response to BCG inoculation with the two viral vaccines whether given solely or concomitantly.

Publication year 2003
Pages 239-247
Availability location معهد بحوث الامصال واللقاحات البيطرية
Availability number
Organization Name
City القاهرة
serial title egyptian veterinary medical assooiation
Author(s) from ARC
Agris Categories Animal diseasesMiscellaneous animal disorders
Pest of small ruminants. Sheep. Vaccines.
Proposed Agrovoc simulaneous inoulation;
Publication Type Journal