Immunological studies on Avian E.Coli vaccine with special preference to preparation and evaluation

Abstract: Local prepared E.Coli F11 fimbriae vaccine was prepared and compared with an imported one against chicken E.Coli infection. The antibody response in sera of chickens vaccinated with the prepared E.Coli F11 fimbriae vaccine (group1) and the antibody response in sera of chickens vaccinated with oil imported E.Coli vaccine (group2) as determined by ELISA were similar. The antibody response in sera of chickens of groups 1&2 appeared from the first week post vaccination and reached the maximum at the third week post second vaccination. Challenge of group 1&2 have decreased number of lesion scores then the control one. Also chickens of group 1 and 2 challenged with heterologous E.Coli strains (08,114, and 119) have increased number of lesion scores then that challenged with homologous E.Coli strains (01,02, and 078). In addaition, chicken of group 1 and 2 have higher percent of protection (PIS: had 84,70 and 67% respectively) than the control one (PIS: 34%). In conclusion, the prepared F11fimbriae vaccine from a combination of 01,02 and 078 E.Coli strains was seemed to cover good range of protection and has been elicited a protective immune response against virulent E.Coli challenge with homologous and heatorologous strains. Over all, strong correlation was found between antibody response in vaccinated groups and low lesion score that indicated a good protection.
Publication year 2008
Pages 83-94
Organization Name
City الجيزة
serial title Veterinary medical journal
Author(s) from ARC
External authors (outside ARC)
    ابراهيم البرعي المعمل المركزي للرقابة على المستحضرات الحيوية
    أمل مصطفى السواح كلية الطب البيطري - جامعة بنها
Agris Categories Animal diseases
Proposed Agrovoc E.coli;القولون المعوي;
Publication Type Journal