Studies on some medical plant extracts as immunostimuant in rats experimentally infected with Salmonella typhimuyrium.

Abstract: Aloe extract was used as diet supplementation in a group of rats experimentally infected with Salmonella Thiphimurium. It was found that rats that fed on diet with aloe extract for 30 days, then, experimentally infected with Salmonella Typhirmurium showed survival rate 92% in comparison with group of rats fed on ration without aloe extract and experimentally infected with Salmonella typhyrium histopathological examination revealed that treated group with rats of aloe extract showed few histopathological changes, while those non-treated group showed significant infiltration of liver mature and premature leucocytic cells in hepatic tissue with severe necrotic changes. Moreover, the heart of such untreated group showed leucocytic inflammatory cells infiltration between the bundles of degenerated cardiac muscles.
Publication year 2011
Pages 335-343
Organization Name
City القاهرة
serial title المجلة المصرية
Author(s) from ARC
External authors (outside ARC)
    رجاء عبد الستار سليمان مركز بحوث الأمصال و اللقاحات البيطرية
Agris Categories Animal diseases
Publication Type Journal