Effect of the inactivated Bovine Ephemeral fever vaccine on the Immune response of dairy And pregnant cows vaccinated With Entero-3 vaccine

Abstract: Successful experimental vaccination of lactating and pregnant cows was carried out using the locally produced inactivated bovine ephemeral fever and Entero-3 vaccines. The results showed that these vaccines were found to be safe and potent showing undetectable differences between the levels of the induced antibody titers on single and simultaneous vaccination with the 2 vaccines indicating that there was no antagonizing effect between them on the immune response of vaccinated lactating and pregnant cows to any of them. The newly born calves to vaccinated dams; either singly or simultaneously with the 2 vaccines; exhibited high levels of specific maternal antibodies against both of bovine ephemeral fever ; bovine Rota and Corona viruses and E-Coli. So , it could be concluded that simultaneous vaccination of pregnant cows with BEF and Entero-3 inactivated vaccines provides a good protection for newborn calves against these infectious diseases with out any undesirable effect.
Publication year 2006
Pages 239-248
Organization Name
ISSN 1110-6581
Author(s) from ARC
Agris Categories Animal diseases
Publication Type Conference/Workshop