Effect of Bovine Viral Diarrhea (BVD) ineected Sheep on the immune Response of foot and mouth Disease vaccine

Abstract: The effect of BVD virus infection on the humoral immune response of FMD vaccinated sheep was studied in 4 susceptible groups , vaccination with FMD vaccine was conducted in the 1st 4 groups while experimental BVD infection was carried out on groups 1,2 and 3, simultaneously , one week post and one week pre FMD vaccination , respectively; whereas the 4th group was subdivided as 6 lambs were represented controlled FMD vaccinated and non infected. There is significant decrease in the level of SN antibody titer with lower protection percent against FMD vaccine in vaccinated BVDV infected groups compared with the control vaccinated one. This decrease is attributed to the non specific immunosuppressive effect of BVDV. So , we can conclude that the optimal control of FMD in Egypt is attained through control of immunosuppressive against whereas the most immunosuppressive viral agent is BVDV.
Publication year 2003
Organization Name
serial title journal Egypt med Asoc.
Author(s) from ARC
External authors (outside ARC)
    حليمة محمد الوطني
Agris Categories Animal diseases
Publication Type Journal