Production Of High Nutritional And Quality Macaroni With Surimi Fish And Mushroom
Abstract: Pasta production is increasing all over the world. Nowadays pasta is made not only from semolina, but also in some countries from mixture of farinaceous from various cereals. Physical, chemical and sensory evaluation of macaroni supplemented of surimi or mushroom stalks were used at levels of 10, 15 and 20% of the mixture. Results showed that the supplemented of wheat flour by mushroom or surimi increased the percentages of protein, fat, crude fiber and ash, while decreased total carbohydrates. Wheat flour with surimi recorded the highest percentages of protein, fat, crude fiber and ash compared with control sample made from semolina or wheat flour. The cooking quality tests of different prepared spaghetti illustrated that residue of cooked water decreased with the substitution of mushroom and surimi increase. These results indicate that the increase of mushroom and surimi increased the water absorption of macaroni compared with the control macaroni. Macaroni weight and volume increased with the substitution of mushroom and surimi increased decompared with the control macaroni. Cooking loss of macaroni made from surimi and mushroom increased compared with the control. Hunter lab color values of spaghetti indicated that lightness (L*), yellowness (a*) and redness (b*) increased with increasing the levels of surimi and mushroom. While, the (a) values increased with the substitution increased compared with the control sample. Sensory evaluation of macaroni spaghetti e.g. texture, color, flavor appearance of spaghetti made with 10 and 15% surimi recorded the highest degree, followed by 10% of mushroom. All of them recorded the highest degree compared with the control while the levels of substitution of 20% of surimi and mushroom recorded the lowest degree. Key words: mushroom stalks, semolina, cooking quality and spaghetti.
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J. Biol. Chem. Environ. Sci.
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