Effect of feeding by rosemary herbs on some biological effects of diabetic rats

Abstract: Rosemary has been widely accepted as one of the specie with the highest antioxidant activity. Chemical composition, phenolic and flavonoid compounds of rosemary powder were determined. Biological experiment was conducted on normal and diabetic rats (hyperglycemic rats) after feeding on diets containing either bread sticks supplemented with 2.5 and 5%of dried rosemary leaf powder.
Results showed that crude fiber constituted the highest content of rosemary leaf powder, while protein represented the lowest content. Protocatchoic acid was the most abundant phenolic compound (443ppm) the highest content of flavonoids was Rosmarinic acid (1.93%).
Diabetic rats fed on diets contain rosemary powder had a greater final body weight than diabetic rats that fed on control diets (positive control). Diabetic rats treated with 5% dried rosemary leaf powder was the highest percentage of liver / body weight followed by diabetic rats treated with 2.5%rosemary leaf powder and bread sticks supplemented with 5% compared with diabetic rats (positive control ). Serum blood glucose was significantly decreased, while insulin level was significantly increased in diabetic rats treated with rosemary leaf powder and diabetic rats treated with bread sticks supplemented with 5% rosemary leaf powder at the end of experiment. The percentage of decreasing blood glucose ranged from 46.60 to 59.47% compared to positive control . The highest decrease in total cholesterol level, triglycerides LDL-C was found in rats fed on 5% rosemary powder compared to positive control. There was significant increase in HDL-C in diabetic rats treated with rosemary compared to positive control.
Publication year 2015
Pages 704-721
Organization Name
serial title J. Agric. Res., Kafr El-Sheikh Univ
Author(s) from ARC
External authors (outside ARC)
    نجلاء كمال بلتاجى معهد بحوث تكنولوجيا الاغذيه
    عبد الحميد مليجى عبد الحميد معهد بحوث تكنولوجيا الاغذيه
    سمير محمود متولى معهد بحوث تكنولوجيا الاغذيه
Publication Type Journal