Abstract: Strong antioxidant was investigated. Moreover, these extracted compounds affected on protect ascorbic acid during heat treatments in some natural juices such as guava, strawberry and tomato juices. Results explained that extracted rose waste contain high contents of gallic acid, pyrogallol, catechin and ellagic acid. Ascorbic acid content decreased in guava, strawberry and tomato juices after heat treatment at 100?C for 20min. Also, by adding 200 ppm phenolic compounds extracted from rose and almond wastes to different juices they caused decrement in the degradation of ascorbic acid during heat treatment compared to heat treated juices without the addition of extracted phenolic compounds. At the same time, the phenolic contents were increased when juices heated with 200ppm extracted rose and almond wastes. Significant differences in antioxidant activity were observed for both extracted rose and almond wastes. The antioxidant activity for rose extracted waste was 3.7 times higher than those obtained by the extracted almond waste. All juices supplemented with 200ppm extracted rose waste before heat treatment had the highest antioxidant activity followed by heat treated juices with almond extracted waste. While the lowest antioxidant activity percentages were shown with heat treated juices without the addition of phenolic compounds. The sensory evaluation referred that fresh juices had the highest colour marks compared to all heat treated samples. The lowest rate in decrease colour marks was shown in heat treated juices formerly supplemented with extracted rose waste followed by those supplemented with extracted almond waste while the highest decrease in colour marks was for heat treated juices without the addition phenolic compounds.

Publication year 2010
Pages 333-347
Organization Name
Author(s) from ARC
Publication Type Journal