Traceability of olive oil autiintication using DNA molecular evaluation tiiermal analysis
Abstract: This paper describes an investigation into the traccability of olive oil authentication using different tools for detecting adulteration of olive oil (EVOO) with sunflower oil (SFO) at different additional levels 1, 5, 10 and 15%. Through characterization of properties for the original oils and its mixtures using K270, ?K, fatty acids, triglyceride (TG) composition and ECN42 as well as sterol composition. Different scanning calorimetry (DSC) was employed as a tool for monitoring changes in composition and appears adulterant in extra-virgin olive oil (EVOO) by means of cooling and heating thermo grams. Moreover, DNA molecular marker evaluation has used as a tool for discriminate between genuine olive oil and its mixtures with SFO which may be enable us to use as a satisfactory technique to detect suspected fraud of olive oil with the most common vegetable oil seeds. Results revealed that, determination of K270 was able to detect adulterated olive oil with SFO at 5% . Also, SFO additions were even difficult to detect as incorporation of levels as high as 10% and 15% (w/w), respectively, yielded values for linoleic acid content (15.10 and 17.39,respectively) where, trans fatty acids we are able the identification of adulterations of olive oil with SFO at 1% and 5% as yielded in C 18:1t , C18:2t .Moreover, Campesterol and ?7-stigmastenol of all mixture were out of IOC standards. Results also, cleared that using ?ECN42 could be used for detecting the adulteration of EVOO with SFO in the light of the limits of IOC standards up to the level of 1% Using DSC revesled differences in heating thermogram, and thermal properties clearly in endothermic and exothermic transition which exhibited different peak profiles among pure EVOO and its mixture with SFO. The Toff, Trange and ?H values of EVOO and SFO and its mixtures showed also a high differences in thermal properties which attributed to fatty acids and TG. Results also, emphasis that NDA molecular evaluation can used as efficient tool for discriminate between olive oil and its mixture with SFO at the level of 1% Thus, the study proofed that using ?ECN42 , DSC technique and DNA molecular marker evaluation as tools for detection of adulteration of olive oil were succeeded to detect the fraud at 1% additional level of sunflower seed oil.
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Author(s) from ARC |
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