Assessment of Kamuts wheat quality
Abstract: Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to investigate the potential quality of Kamuts (triticum turgidum turanicum) as an ancient relative of modern durum wheat for food preparation and Egyptian consumption. Design/methodology/approach – The methodology included in this paper is based on quality evaluation of Kamut wheat of the Dashure-Fayume geographical origin physically, chemically and technologically compared to Beni Suef 1, Beni Suef 3 and Suhag 3, the most dominant durum varieties in Egypt. After that, producing a specific end product (traditional couscous) regarded the critical quality aspects in Kamut wheat. Findings – The results obtained showed that Kamut grains had higher physical properties indicating higher milling yield potential. Besides, Kamut flour was remarkable with higher protein and oil content. The use of a farinograph for assessing the rheological properties of Kamut dough has proven a useful quality for its measured characteristics compared to the Egyptian durum varieties. The good physical and rheological properties, coupled with high protein content, validated that Kamut is a valuable addition to the Egyptian diet and suited for the production of pasta and/or couscous. The sensory attributes of traditional couscous were significantly (po0.05) highly acceptable to the panelists. Originality/value – These results lead to valuable addition and improvement of the Egyptian diet which consider The Sustainable Agricultural Development Strategy (SADS) towards 2030 in Egypt based on achieving higher rates of food security in strategic goods in regard to improve food quality and safety, especially Kamut wheat which produces high quality grains without artificial fertilizers and pesticides.
Publication year |
Pages |
194 – 203
Organization Name |
serial title |
World Journal of Science, Technology and Sustainable Development
Author(s) from ARC |
Publication Type |