Abstract: ABSTRACT
The current study was carried out to utilize of whole meal wheat flour (control), some legumes (chickpea, lupin and fenugreek), turmeric and vital gluten for preparation of pan bread in order to enhance the chemical, physical, and microbiological properties of pan bread.
The chemical analysis of the raw materials showed that, the highest protein content was noticed in vital gluten and legumes (lupin, fenugreek and chickpea, respectively). Mineral contents were varied in the raw materials, but in general, turmeric and fenugreek seemed to be the superior in most of the determined minerals. On the other hand, the lowest amount of fiber in the tested materials was found in case of the vital gluten. The germination process led to a slight significant decrement in protein content and ether extract. Cooking process of germinated chickpea, lupin and fenugreek resulted in a noticeable significantly increment in fiber. The results showed that wet and dry gluten in vital gluten were significantly higher than that found in whole meal wheat flour and pan bread blends. Loaf volume was increased as a result of vital gluten addition compared with control (whole meal wheat flour). Loaf volume of pan bread was increased due to the water absorption increment. The highest significant protein content was noticed in pan bread prepared by whole meal wheat, vital gluten and chickpea flour blend, whole meal wheat, vital gluten and lupin flour blend, whole meal wheat, vital gluten and fenugreek blend and whole meal wheat ,vital gluten and turmeric flour blend than that found in those prepared from the other blends. Mineral contents (Zn, Fe, Ca and Mn) in most of pan bread blends were significantly higher than that found in control blend, on contrary of Na, Cu and Mg contents. The total bacterial count (TBC) and yeast/mold in pan bread prepared with turmeric were significantly lower than that found in all the other tested blends whereas the coliform groups were undetected in all the produced pan bread.
In general, the tested pan bread seemed to be more preferable due to it showed the highest degree consumer acceptable with respect to all organoleptic properties
Publication year 2008
Organization Name
Author(s) from ARC
External authors (outside ARC)
    محمد محمد النقيطي جامعة القاهرة- كلية الزراعة- قسم الصناعات الغذائية.
    محمد حسن علي جامعة القاهرة- كلية الزراعة- قسم الصناعات الغذائية.
Publication Type Journal