Effect of adding lupine seeds powder on attributes of soft cheese

Abstract: Addition of lupine seeds powder (LSP) at levels (0, 4, 8, 12 and 16%) to buffaloes’ milk to make soft cheese was studied in this paper. LSP contained protein 35.4 and fat 7.39 g/100g, ?-carotene 48.6 µg/100g, total phenol 135.2 GAE/100g dw, total flavonoids14.8 quarstine/100g dw and DPPH 19.3%. The obtained cheese was chemically, physically, microbiologically and organoleptically analyzed weekly. The results showed that total solid, fiber, ash, salt/Moisture and acidity increased with increasing the amount of LSP. While as, Fat/dry matter, Total nitrogen/dry matter, Soluble nitrogen/dry matter and pH decreased during storage. ?-carotene, total phenols, total flavonoids and DPPH increased to 7.38 µg/100g, 18.2 GAE/100g dw, 1.96 quarstine/100gm dw and 2.85%) after 30 days at level 16% LSP. Soft cheese yield increased at level 16% LSP to rate 13.9% compared to control. Synersis decreased at level adding 16% to 542 ml/1000g compared with control soft cheese 598 ml/1000gm. Total bacterial counts and lactic acid bacteria decreased with increasing of LSP present during storage. Meanwhile, yeast & mould counts were detected in control and treatment 4%, but not detected in the other treatments. Spore forming bacteria counts were detected in treatments. Adding 8% of LSP gained the highest score of overall acceptability during storage. Finally, the study indicated that possibility to produce healthy soft cheese fortified 8% LSP.
Publication year 2016
Pages 245-262
Organization Name
serial title J. Biol. Chem. Environ
Author(s) from ARC
External authors (outside ARC)
    1عبد الستار محمد جبر قسم بحوث تكنولوجيا الالبان
    سعد عزيز محجوب 2قسم بحوث تكنولوجيا المحاصيل الحقلية
Publication Type Journal